Doi Tung Check Dam Construction Project

Doi Tung Check Dam Construction Project

Some decades ago, the Doi Tung area in Chiang Rai Province was a backcountry wasteland due to deforestation, opium farming, and shifting cultivation, all of which transformed Doi Tung into a barren mountain with parched soil, causing all six tribes in the Doi Tung area to live in extreme poverty and hardship.

Then in 1988, H.R.H. Princess Srinagarindra the Princess Mother took notice of the problem and initiated the “Doi Tung Development Project (Royal Working Area)”. It is considered the first development project of the Mae Fah Luang Foundation under Royal Patronage to use the guiding principles provided by His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej and H.R.H. the Princess Mother to rehabilitate the ravaged mountain forests in tandem with creating jobs and improving the quality of life of the Doi Tung population so they can stand on their own legs sustainably.

To contribute toward the continuation of the royal aspiration of King Rama IX and H.R.H. the Princess Mother to solve environmental problems and improve the communities’ quality of life, Krungsri commenced the “Doi Tung Check Dam Construction Project” in 2009 to revive the abundance of nature and water resources in Doi Tung, which is an indispensable source of water for the local communities’ consumption and agriculture. The check dams hinder the flow of water in the rainy season, thus increasing the volume of groundwater which is used for making tap water for the villages. The check dams also help retain the forest’s humidity and richness, serving as a natural barrier against wildfires as well.

The Doi Tung check dam construction project was based on the synergy between volunteers from Krungsri and its subsidiaries, business partners, and local communities in maintaining the balance between the environment, nature, and society in order to live in sustainable harmony. In addition to achieving the aforesaid objectives, the project also aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG 15: Life on Land, and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

Year Area of operation No. of check dams built
2023 Ban Pha Bue in the Doi Tung DevelopmentProject (the operation area of the royal initiative) in Chiang Rai Province 32
2022 Ban Mae Poen in the Doi Tung DevelopmentProject (the operation area of the royal initiative) in Chiang Rai Province 8
2021 - -
2020 - -
2019 Ban Pasang Na Ngern 32
2018 Ban Mae Poen 43
2017 Ban Huai Pu Mai 34
2016 Ban Pasang San Sud Dan 45
2015 Ban Payang Akha 20
2014 Ban Samakkhi Kao 18
2013 Ban Lahu Pa Kluai 16
2012 Ban Huai Pu Mai 14
2011 Ban Lise/Ban Chalo 10
2010 Sai Mai Doi Tung Road (7th km.) 10
2009 Ban Laba 17
doi tung project
doi tung project
doi tung project
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