Krungsri Financial Literacy – Simple to Learn Project

Krungsri Financial Literacy – Simple to Learn Project

Krungsri is well aware that financial literacy plays a key role in promoting economic security of households and the nation as a whole, while also addressing household debts and poverty in a sustainable manner. We, thus, initiated the ‘Krungsri Financial Literacy’ project in July 2015, a move that was in line with the Ministry of Finance’s policy for the fiscal year 2013-2016 that promotes financial planning and management among Thai people particularly the younger generation during their fourth through sixth grade years. Thanks to the youth’s natural eagerness to discover and learn new things, smart and value-based spending could be effectively instilled in them, in addition to savings discipline and other good financial habits that help boost their financial immunity.

Celebrating our 70th anniversary of sustained success in the Thai society in 2015, Krungsri introduced ‘70 Years, 70 Schools with Financial Literacy’ as the pioneer financial literacy project, under which the program was designed as an easy-to-understand learning program for children in accordance with the ‘Simple to Learn’ concept. The program offers game-based learning activities through station rotations, namely Thinking before Buying, the Savings, Young Bookkeeper, Recycle, Money Genius, and Bank. Krungsri volunteers at each learning station organize the game-based learning activities, while providing financial instructions to students.

The Krungsri Financial Literacy project has not only effectively achieved above-stated objectives, but also been carried out in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 4: Quality Education and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities.

In 2022, Krungsri continuously distributed the animated series through the public relations channels of our partners, OBEC and EEF, to the audience primary school students– in over 28,000 schools across Thailand, including through the Bank’s social media channels. We surveyed the satisfaction of the teachers and students who watched the series, earning an average satisfaction score of 93.91 percent and 87.42 percent, respectively.
simple to learn project
simple to learn project
simple to learn project
Simple to Learn: Stay Safe During Covid-19
Scan the QR code to watch Krungsri’s animated series
‘Simple to Learn: Stay Safe During Covid-19’
Simple to Learn: Stay Safe During Covid-19
Simple to Learn: Stay Safe During Covid-19
Simple to Learn: Stay Safe During Covid-19
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