Krungsri Global Transfer

Global Transfer, the innovation of international money transfer service on digital platform ‘Krungsri Biz Online’ is convenient, transactions can be completed easily, anywhere, anytime. Recipients can receive money faster, in full amount, and check real-time status, increasing flexibility in doing foreign transactions.

Product Detail
Krungsri Biz Online provides international money transfer via “Global Transfer”, which covers 5 main currencies. There is no need to pre-register or attach any transfer slips or go to any branch anymore. Transfer is made easier, faster and available 24 hours a day.
Details of service
International money transfer service via menu “Global Transfer”
  • Available currencies include THB, USD, EUR, GBP, SGD and AUD.
  • Sender’s account must be savings or current account only.
  • The exchange rate used to carry out the transaction is determined by the bank and shall be displayed at the time of transaction.
  • List of recipient’s bank can be searched faster and simpler with SMART SEARCH.
  • Senders can track real-time status immediately.
  • Service users can transfer and receive the transaction amount per bank’s policy.
  • More details about the service, terms and conditions are available at
  • The bank may request further transaction documents if needed.
Modes of Service
Country Currency Recipient Account information Destination Bank Information Estimated transfer time
USA USD Account Number
(depending on each bank)
ACH code
(9 digits)
Within 3 working days
EU countries EUR IBAN
(16-31 digits)
(8 or 11 digits)
Within 3 working days
Australia AUD Account Number
(depending on each bank)
BSB Code
(6 digits)
Within 3 working days
UK GBP Account Number
(8 digits) or IBAN (22 digits)
Sort Code
(6 digits)
Singapore SGD Account Number
(depending on each bank)
(8 or 11 digits)
Lao PDR THB/USD - - Immediately (working day)
Cambodia THB/USD - SWIFT Code
  1. Please check the code of destination bank before performing the transaction.
  2. “Working day” aforementioned includes the working day of Krungsri Bank and of the destination bank
  • Destination bank account can be of individual or corporate accounts.
  • Lao PDR (Vientiane Branch, Bank of Ayudhya and Lao Development Bank): transfer is available from 08.30 a.m. – 03.00 p.m. on working days (excluding public holidays in Lao, Thailand and USA)
  • Cambodia (Hattha Bank Plc.): transfer is available everyday from 02.00 a.m. - 10.30 p.m. Payee immediately receives money transfer.
  • Maximum transaction limit is 680,000 THB/ transaction and 1,700,000 THB/ day (Daily transaction limit include Swift + Global Transfer transactions)
Remarks: Maximum transaction limit to Lao PDR (Vientiane Branch, Bank of Ayudhya) is 30,000 THB/ transaction and 10,000 USD/ transaction
  • Direct money transfer service to recipient account (only Lao PDR)
  • Supports receipts of money transfer from remitting banks that are partner banks of Bank of Ayudhya only.
  • Remittances to the recipients can be made in two currencies, i.e. Thai baht (THB) and US dollar (USD). Additional currencies will be accepted in the future.
  • A recipient’s deposit account must be either a savings account, current account, or FCD account of Bank of Ayudhya, and only accounts in Thai baht (THB) or US dollar (USD) are allowed.
  • Receipt of money transferred from abroad to a recipient’s account must be direct transfer to a recipient’s account in the same currency as the money transferred from a remitting bank without applying foreign exchange rates (only THB to THB or USD to USD).
  • Maximum transfer limit
    *** For individuals = 10,000 USD or 300,000 THB
    *** For corporate = 100,000 USD or 3,000,000 THB
For more information
Call Krungsri Contact Center
Call 0 2626 2626
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