Kao Soy Nimman

Discount at Kao Soy Nimman from KRUNGSRI PRIME

Get special discount 50 Baht when order food & beverage over 300 Baht per receipt

Limited Total 150 redemptions | Privilege period: Now - 31 Jul 2024

Redeem at
KMA krungsri app

Terms & Conditions of KRUNGSRI PRIME privileges

  • Please redeem at participating store. Redemption code valid for 10 minutes. You can view redemption code at "History" until the code expires.
  • Participating branches: Kao Soy Nimman Nimman Soi 7
  • Privilege period: Now - 31 Jul 2024
  • 1 redemption / customer / receipt / month
  • Reserves the rights to reject the redemption by showing a picture of screen capture.
  • This privilege can be used at a certain promotion period only.
  • No replacement code in case customer delete or lost the code.
  • This privilege cannot be used with other promotions, forbidden to be sold or used in commerce, and cannot be exchanged for cash