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Top Pick Mutual Funds

Enjoy return higher than deposits at low risk, with Fixed Income Funds


Riding the wave of Economic growth with Equity Funds


Opportunity for higher return with Foreign Investment Funds


Prospectus or details inquiry at any Krungsri branches
Source: 3-month historical return information as of 31/01/2023 from Krungsri Asset Management Co.Ltd and TISCO Asset Management Co.Ltd websites. Performance is expressed in % cumulative return.

Investors should understand fund features, conditions for returns and risk factors before making any investment decision
  • KFGBRAND-A, KFACHINA-A enter into a foreign exchange swap and/or forward agreement for the purpose of hedding against foreign exchange risk according to fund manager discretion, the investors may suffer the loss or may gain profit from the exxhange rate or receive the money back less than the initial investment amount
  • Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
  • TSF-A, KFGBRAND-A and KFACHINA-A are restricted to offer and/or sell to U.S. person and/or U.S. Citizen.
Remark: Bank of Ayudhya PCL as a selling agent of from Krungsri Asset Management and TISCO Asset Management only
© 2022 Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited.